The answer is very simple. Yes, possession of a firearm, either on your person or in close proximity, during the commission of a crime will make the crime and crimes charged much more serious and can severely enhance the penalties that you can face. Using a weapon or having possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime always makes matters much, much, much worse. It's essential that you have an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent you if you're charged with possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, which is almost always a separate offense in addition to the actual offense. And very often, as I have seen through the years, even if you have a firearm in the trunk of your car, and let's say a crime is committed in the main part, or if you have a gun in your bedroom and a crime is committed in your main part of your house or in a boat or whatever, you get charged with having possession of a firearm during commission of a felony, when really the firearm was there, but you really didn't use it in furtherance of the felony in any way. So it's critically important that you have an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent you, to hopefully get those charges thrown out. If not, you'll pay the price for it. So call us, we can help you.
Jeffrey S. Weiner, P.A.