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Jeffrey S. Weiner, P.A. Jeffrey S. Weiner, P.A.
Available 24/7 305-985-6640
Marriage Fraud

A common federally prosecuted crime is when a person knowingly marries another in order to evade any provision of our immigration laws. In a typical marriage fraud case, a United States citizen is paid to marry a foreign national in order for that person to obtain status as a permanent resident of the United States. The punishment upon conviction of marriage fraud is serious with a potential penalty of up to 5 years in federal custody.

In marriage fraud cases, notaries are often charged, as well as business owners who the government believes operate “agencies” which arrange illegal marriages in order to avoid the immigration laws.

Federal agents are very skeptical that “real” marriages took place when investigating such cases. Facts and proof make all the difference in defending marriage fraud cases. If you have been charged or are under criminal investigation for marriage fraud, it is essential that you have representation by experienced Federal criminal defense attorneys. We can move quickly to gather favorable evidence to prove that the marriage is real and based on love – not money. But, even if the marriage was fraudulent, we strongly advise you not to admit your guilt.

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